Solar Industry News
Beat the Tax Day Blues by Getting Some Green
It’s tax season! If you’re considering a home solar system, it’s important to know the financial benefits of the federal investment…
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Solar Industry News
Solar power sees its day in the sun
Solar power is a great renewable energy source—and it’s also more affordable than you might think. With so many users across the world, solar energy technology continues to become more efficient and cost-effective. According to Jelor Gallego’s article in Futurism, countries such as India and China, among others, are now confidently investing in solar power. From…
How to help ensure your sustainability efforts pay off
Although investing in renewable energy and other sustainability efforts can benefit a business in many ways, you may want to make sure it’s the right decision for your company’s bottom line before going ahead. In an effort to show corporate social responsibility, many investors push for the adoption of business sustainability strategies. But some businesses…
Solar That’s Tough Enough for NASA is Tough Enough for Your Roof
Consumers who are considering going solar often ask us if Solar Technologies solar panels can withstand all that Mother Nature might bring to the rooftops of their homes or businesses. We’re glad they’re doing their homework because not all solar is alike. During our company’s 30-year history our collaborations with solar pioneers such as NASA…
5 real reasons to adopt green business practices
Why should businesses go green? A Houston Chronicle article points out five reasons why green business practices can be beneficial to your company. “Going green” at work—or adopting environmentally friendly business practices—is not just a trend, but also a way for socially responsible companies to benefit from a host of advantages. The article points to plusses such…
Solar power today and tomorrow
Solar power is one of the most efficient yet clean sources of energy we have access to. There are no increased fuel costs or dependencies, no ties to pollutants, and it’s both reliable and affordable. Of course, in order to harness solar power you need access to specific technology. This tech relies on either small-scale…
Go paperless: 5 tips for reducing your business’s dependence on paper
Thinking about reducing your business’s carbon footprint? Looking for ways to hit your organization’s sustainability goals? An article from Sustainable Cities Collective tells how leading businesses are doing just that by focusing on reducing the amount of paper they use. Keeping cardboard boxes stamped with those green recycling logos in your hallways is not going to cut…
The 4 phases of a commercial solar panel installation
When you’re first investigating the possibility of implementing a commercial solar installation, the future looks bright. It’s exciting to think about the energy cost savings and the environmental and social benefits this clean, renewable resource will bring to your organization. But that’s someday, not today. At this point, having made a commitment to go solar,…
How to create a highly-effective solar RFP
Most public entities and some large corporations must initiate solar projects through a formal process. They send out a request for proposal (RFP) and evaluate competitive bids before selecting a vendor for the job. If your organization plans to create a solar RFP, know that the quality and specificity of the proposals you receive will…
What to expect when you go solar: 4 stages to completing a new commercial solar installation
Your organization has committed to going solar. Now what? While you may have experience with other types of construction projects, taking part in a new commercial solar installation may seem like uncharted territory. This business brief offers a road map of what to expect on your journey from signing the contract to flipping the “on”…