Title 24 California Solar Mandates: Empowering Homeowners with Sustainable Energy Solutions

California is leading the way to a greener future by making solar energy production more common across the state and introducing mandates to encourage ongoing solar adoption. Title 24 solar mandates were  put in place by the California Energy Commission as a series of policies to help reshape energy consumption across the state. Despite the intention to reduce reliance on natural gas, many home and business owners aren’t sure about these new rules. They wonder if solar panels are a must in California and if new homes need them. At Solar Technologies, we know our customers need clarity in navigating these mandates. This article will provide a review Title 24 and explore what it means for California and its residents. .

Understanding Title 24: A Blueprint for Energy Efficiency

Title 24 is a big part of California’s plan for a sustainable future. Set up by the California Energy Commission, it creates Building Energy Efficiency Standards that change every three years. These standards show California’s commitment to using less energy and building in smarter ways. 

These changes also help save energy, provide more electricity to homes, cut down on the need for new power plants, and fight climate change. By following these standards, California is making electricity using renewable energy sources and leading in energy efficiency.

The 2020 Solar Mandate: Changing Residential Building

California made a big change in building standards with Part 6 of Title 24. This part went through a big update in 2019 and began in 2020, upgrading the Golden State’s building standards. This also made California the first state to require all new homes constructed to have solar panels installed.

In 2022, California made more changes that took effect in January 2023. The focus is on using less energy and installing solar panels with home battery storage. This strategic move aims to make more homes and businesses energy-efficient, save customers money, and help the environment.

With the devastating wildfires and PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), these updates show the importance of using our energy wisely. California is leading the United States in implementing policies like these to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and drive more energy improvements.

The 2022 Energy Code: Embracing a Future Powered by Renewable Energy

The 2022 Energy Code takes California’s commitment to sustainable energy further. This code requires all single-family houses be electric-eady and has provisions for adding battery storage systems with PV panels.

Focusing on battery storage is key because it allows homes and businesses to store and use the energy their solar panels generate. This reduces the need for traditional power generators like natural gas plants. While the battery storage requirement only applies to some businesses now, it shows the direction of future code updates. 

Several factors drove this push for battery storage systems in 2023:

Emergency Preparedness: In emergencies, solar systems equipped with home batteries can continue providing electricity during daylight hours. After sunset, the battery kicks in to ensure a continuous power supply. The next day, the system recharges the battery, and repeats the same process.

Reliability During Outages: If there’s a power outage, solar systems without a home battery won’t work because it’s connected to the power grid. Adding a battery lets the solar system operate without the grid to keep the lights on during outages.

Enhanced Home Protection: Batteries also protect homes during outages and reduce the need for fossil fuel power plants, which is better for the environment.

In short, California’s Solar Mandates and Title 24 changes are big steps towards a more sustainable future. As Bay Area homeowners and businesses adjust to these changes, our team at Solar Technologies is here for guidance and support to help them harness the power of solar energy generated by their system.

Navigating the Exceptions to California’s Solar Mandate

While the California Solar Mandate is a big step towards renewable energy, not every new building can install solar panels. Recognizing these limits, the mandate includes exceptions to ensure the requirements are practical and achievable for all new homes.

Exceptions for customers building a new home include:

Limited Roof Space: Solar panels are best installed on rooftops because they get a lot of sunshine. If a home’s roof is too small or there’s limited space, other options like solar carports or ground-mounted systems are another option.

Too Much Shading: Another exception is considered when excessive shading impedes the roof’s exposure to sunlight. Large trees, neighboring buildings, or other obstructions that cast significant shadows can drastically reduce the effectiveness of solar panels. Homes with shading challenges may be exempt because solar panels wouldn’t be able to generate electricity efficiently.

Access to Community Solar Systems: New housing areas have the option to use community solar systems. These centralized solar installations allow multiple homes to benefit from a single, shared solar energy source. 

Maximizing Savings with Title 24: The Financial Benefits of Solar Energy

While Title 24 may seem costly at first, it’s offset by the long-term benefits of renewable energy. According to the California Clean Energy Commission, implementing Part 6 of Title 24 could add about $8,400 to the cost of building a single-family home. However, this cost is balanced by saving money on electric bills later and the solar system should pay for itself in five to ten years. This makes it a sound financial investment for homeowners.

Transitioning to solar energy and meeting the Title 24 mandates can be a complex process, but expert guidance can make it seamless. At Solar Technologies, our experienced team brings years of expertise to the table. We design solar energy systems that fit your home and energy needs, meet Title 24 rules and are good for your wallet as well as the environment.


California’s Title 24 solar mandates are a big step towards a future where all homes and businesses use renewable energy. By understanding these mandates, Bay Area homeowners aren’t just following rules, they’re creating a more sustainable future for everyone.

If you’re ready to change the way you power your home and start saving more with solar and battery backup, contact us today for a free customized quote.

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