15 Top Energy-Saving Strategies for the New Year

With California’s sunny skies and mild climate, more homeowners are turning to clean energy solutions and other renewable energy sources to power their homes and businesses. This shift is part of a broader effort to reduce energy usage, save on their energy bill, and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. Here are 15 energy-saving ways to maximize your efficiency, cut down your electricity bills, and support a healthier planet.

Maximize the Use of Fans

Ceiling fans are a prime example of reducing the amount of energy you consume while staying comfortable. In areas with high temperatures, turning on ceiling fans instead of turning up the AC can make a room feel cooler by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit, significantly lowering energy bills. 

By circulating air, ceiling fans enhance the efficiency of home cooling systems, which means you use energy-intensive air conditioning units less. This helps lower utility bills, reduce the need to burn fossil fuels, and contributes to cleaner air quality. Moreover, the US Natural Resource Defense Council highlights that fans consume just 10% of the energy used by central air systems.

Transition to LED Lighting

LED lighting technology has changed home and business lighting with its low energy consumption and long service life. Transitioning to LED bulbs, recognized by the Department of Energy as an energy efficient product, is an easy option for homes and businesses to produce electricity from a clean renewable source and save money.

LED bulbs also consume at least 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent lighting, leading to significant energy savings and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over time. This makes LED lighting an essential part of today’ energy-saving and environmental sustainability efforts.

Incorporate Motion-Sensing Lights

We all have that one family member we follow from room to room to turn off the lights behind them. Automating your smart outdoor lighting systems can save you both time and money by reducing your energy use. Motion-sensing solutions, like GE’s LED Plus series or Ring’s smart outdoor lights, turn on with activity and dim when no motion is present.

By adding smart outdoor lighting to home energy management systems, homeowners can cut down on wasted energy, increase their energy savings and reduce their carbon footprint. Plus, these intelligent lighting solutions add a layer of convenience and safety to outdoor spaces, making them a smart investment for your home.

Early Stove Turn-Off

Turning off the stove when your dish is almost done cooking is a simple yet effective way to reduce energy consumption in the kitchen. By turning off stove tops or ovens slightly ahead of time, the remaining heat can complete the cooking process, reduce electricity generation and reduce your utility bills. While this does work for most dishes, there are a few exceptions to be mindful of.

Keep the Oven Door Closed

Keeping the oven door closed as much as possible while cooking is a small, but important step in conserving energy. Every time you open the oven door, a significant amount of heat escapes (up to 25 degrees Fahrenheit) and requires more energy to reheat the oven to the original set temperature. By looking through the oven window to monitor cooking progress instead, you can minimize heat loss, save electricity and save money.

Dimming Lights for Savings

Using dimmable LED lighting and smart dimmer switches gives homeowners a powerful tool to enhance their home’s ambiance while reducing how much energy they use. Adjusting light levels to match specific needs or times of day can significantly cut down on the energy use, giving you a more efficient and eco-friendly home. Some dimmer switches can even be controlled and adjusted remotely through an app, making it easier than ever to manage your energy consumption.

Use Smart Plugs and Power Strips

Smart plugs and power strips are an effective defense against “energy vampires”—devices that continue to use power even when they’re turned off. By automatically shutting off power to devices that you’re not using, smart plugs and power strips can help households significantly reduce their energy consumption. 

Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats are a big advancement in home energy management because they can dramatically reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling. By learning your home’s energy habits and adjusting temperatures accordingly, smart thermostats ensure energy is used efficiently, reducing unnecessary heating and cooling and leading to substantial energy savings. 

Use Your Dishwasher

Modern dishwashers, especially those with the Energy Star label, are engineered to minimize water usage, potentially saving thousands of gallons annually compared to manual washing. This advancement not only supports sustainable water use, but also contributes to a reduction in utility bills, with savings of around $40 per year. 

Cold Water Laundry Washing

Switching to cold water for laundry washing is a straightforward change with profound impacts on energy consumption. Heating water accounts for a significant portion of the energy used in washing clothes, so using cold water can lead to considerable energy savings. Furthermore, modern detergents are formulated to work effectively in cold water, ensuring that clothes are still thoroughly cleaned while reducing energy use and supporting sustainability efforts.

Evaluate and Update Appliances

Investing in Energy Star-certified appliances is a key strategy for homes and businesses looking to reduce their energy consumption and environmental impact. Energy Star appliances are designed to use less energy than standard models, offering significant savings on utility bills and contributing to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Ensure Air Ducts are Sealed and Insulated

Good insulation helps to keep a home warm in winter and cool in summer, reducing the need for excessive heating and cooling and leading to significant energy savings. Leaks and poor insulation in ductwork can lead to substantial energy loss, increasing utility bills and contributing to unnecessary energy consumption. By ensuring that air ducts are properly sealed and insulated, homeowners can improve the efficiency of their HVAC systems, reduce energy consumption, and contribute to a more sustainable home environment.

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Windows

Investing in high-performance windows can have a profound impact on your home’s energy efficiency. These windows offer improved insulation and seal against external temperatures, reducing the demand on your HVAC system and preserving the energy generated by solar solutions. This upgrade not only contributes to energy savings but also enhances the comfort of your home.

Switch to a Tankless Water Heater

Tankless water heaters, or on-demand hot water systems, stand out for their ability to supply hot water precisely when it’s needed. Diverging from the traditional tank-based heaters that maintain a constant heated water reserve, these systems eliminate the need for storage by heating water directly as it flows through the unit. By delivering hot water on demand and offering substantial energy savings, they present an appealing option for those looking to upgrade their home’s efficiency. 

Power Your Home With Solar Energy Solutions

Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) solar cells, capture sunlight and generate electricity to power your home. Installing energy solutions like solar panels on your roof or on your property allows you to harness the sun’s vast and renewable energy and enjoy the power generated. This reduces your reliance on traditional fossil fuels and leads to significant savings on your utility bill.


Embracing these energy-saving strategies and using these innovative products can significantly lower your electricity expenses. As the United States moves toward a more eco-friendly model of energy production and embraces solar power, each step to conserve energy and minimize usage plays an important role. Homeowners who move in this direction not only benefit from financial savings, but also reduce their environmental impact, aiding in the global movement towards a more sustainable future.

If you’re ready to change the way you power your home and start saving more with solar and battery backup, contact us today for a free customized quote.

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