Solar Industry News

Moving with solar

Moving? How SunPower Helps Homeowners with Their Solar System During Life Changes

October 25, 2022

Buying or selling a home is a big change for any family. There are several things to consider during the…

Residential Solar with Pool

The Solar Incentive Tax Credit Was Extended!

February 10, 2021

It will be time to do your 2020 taxes before you know it, and it’s important to stay abreast of…

How to Finance a Home Solar System

June 11, 2020

SunPower by Solar Technologies has installed more than 75,000 solar panels and helped thousands of Bay Area homeowners save money…

Looking for a Tax Break? Solar Can Help

May 4, 2020

With the 2020 tax deadline now extended to July 15 due to COVID-19,  home and business owners have some extra…


Why Some Governments Offer Rebates and Incentives for Home Solar

December 6, 2019

A quick search for “are there tax incentives for solar panels?” yields tons of results. You’ll see a lot about…

Solar Carports

Funding Commercial Solar Projects

May 20, 2019

Funding commercial solar projects: How to get that photovoltaic new car smell Not so long ago your choice for financing…

Promo graphic

Beat the Tax Day Blues by Getting Some Green

March 11, 2019

It’s tax season! If you’re considering a home solar system, it’s important to know the financial benefits of the federal investment…

Public Solar Financing

August 31, 2018

  How Public Financing Options Work Public entities are able to take advantage of numerous solar financing options not available…

Power Purchase Agreements

August 31, 2018

  How PPAs Work A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a financing arrangement that allows businesses or government agencies to…

Solar Commercial Lease

August 31, 2018

How Solar Leases Work A commercial solar lease is a financing option that allows businesses to generate solar electricity with…

Solar Industry News

Our Solar Future Solar Technologies

Collaboration Is Key to Our Solar Future

By p15 | January 21, 2018

Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” By all accounts, we’ve witnessed the best of multi-stakeholder collaboration when it comes to developing long-term strategies that promote clean energy adoption. The COP21 agreement and bipartisan extension of the U.S. Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for solar and…

Solar Panels for Commercial Business

How solar power can increase your commercial property value

By p15 | January 19, 2018

Listing the many benefits of solar panels for business is easy, but quantifying the value of each can be more challenging. The impact on property value is a prime example. While it’s likely true that a building equipped with quality solar panels for commercial property is more valuable than a facility that relies on fossil…

Installing Solar on House

Solar Technologies Customers Share Why They Went Solar

By p15 | January 17, 2018

At Solar Technologies our customers are at the heart of everything we do. After all, our customers are the reason that we’ve spent the past 30 years innovating relentlessly to deliver the most advanced solar solutions powering our world and changing the future of energy. Here are excerpts from some of our favorite customer reviews and…

Installing solar

Sustainability Star: Toyota is going places few companies have been before

By p15 | January 14, 2018

This past July, Toyota officially opened its new, 100-acre North American headquarters in Plano, Texas. Cutting the ribbon on such a groundbreaking, 3-years-in-the-making corporate sustainability success story would be reason enough for most companies to celebrate. But the folks at Toyota are just as energized by the many sustainable design principles they’ve incorporated into their state-of-the-art campus.…

Solar Technologies Instalation

Home Solar Savings Make for a Happier New Year!

By p15 | January 11, 2018

We recently asked some of our home solar customers to share with us on Facebook how much money they saved with Solar Technologies® solar in 2017; how much energy they produced; and how much CO2 they avoided. Such information is easily accessible thanks to Solar Technologies monitoring app, which customers can access on any smart device such as a cell…

Solar Warranty form

Solar Technologies Warranty Agreement

By p15 | January 5, 2018

Solar Technologies is pleased to provide a limited product and power warranty on its photovoltaic modules and/or systems components (“PV System”). Warranty rights may be assigned and transferred to subsequent assignees subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the limited product and power warranty for the PV System being assigned and transferred. Please…

Solar cleaning panel robot

Solar Power Plant O&M: Robots Offer Smarter Way to Protect and Enhance Your Investment

By p15 | January 4, 2018

Cleaning solar panels installed at large-scale solar plants in arid regions of the world is generally considered a necessary evil. Operators must clean the panels to meet energy production goals, but cleaning requires precious O&M resources in terms of increased labor, water and other costs. As a result, the number of cleanings is minimized to…

Roof going solar

Solar power – The best way to use natural resources

By p15 | January 1, 2018

Solar power – The best way to use natural resources Solar power is one of the fastest growing inventions and many products are still being designed with the use of this technology. You don’t only save on electricity bills but are indirectly helping to save the environment. Here are some of the benefits to using…

How to determine the right method for funding commercial solar projects

By p15 | December 26, 2017

BUSINESS BRIEF Let’s face it. Going solar can be complicated. With several ways to pay, and each with its own advantages and disadvantages, it can be difficult to know what’s right for your organization. This guide to solar financing should get you pointed in the right direction by exploring some basic questions.  Should you own…

Solar Bridge

Unique Solar House is a Bridge Over Water

By p15 | December 19, 2017

Los Angeles commercial and residential architect Dan Brunn has had a banner year. The recipient of multiple awards, including an honor for Interior Design’s Best of the Year, Brunn’s work is garnering industry accolades. With a successful 2017 coming to an end, he’s facing his biggest challenge to date: Designing and building his own green home. Brunn’s home…