Solar Industry News

Moving with solar

Moving? How SunPower Helps Homeowners with Their Solar System During Life Changes

October 25, 2022

Buying or selling a home is a big change for any family. There are several things to consider during the…

Residential Solar with Pool

The Solar Incentive Tax Credit Was Extended!

February 10, 2021

It will be time to do your 2020 taxes before you know it, and it’s important to stay abreast of…

How to Finance a Home Solar System

June 11, 2020

SunPower by Solar Technologies has installed more than 75,000 solar panels and helped thousands of Bay Area homeowners save money…

Looking for a Tax Break? Solar Can Help

May 4, 2020

With the 2020 tax deadline now extended to July 15 due to COVID-19,  home and business owners have some extra…


Why Some Governments Offer Rebates and Incentives for Home Solar

December 6, 2019

A quick search for “are there tax incentives for solar panels?” yields tons of results. You’ll see a lot about…

Solar Carports

Funding Commercial Solar Projects

May 20, 2019

Funding commercial solar projects: How to get that photovoltaic new car smell Not so long ago your choice for financing…

Promo graphic

Beat the Tax Day Blues by Getting Some Green

March 11, 2019

It’s tax season! If you’re considering a home solar system, it’s important to know the financial benefits of the federal investment…

Public Solar Financing

August 31, 2018

  How Public Financing Options Work Public entities are able to take advantage of numerous solar financing options not available…

Power Purchase Agreements

August 31, 2018

  How PPAs Work A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a financing arrangement that allows businesses or government agencies to…

Solar Commercial Lease

August 31, 2018

How Solar Leases Work A commercial solar lease is a financing option that allows businesses to generate solar electricity with…

Solar Industry News

Commercial ground mounts

Environmental Benefits of Solar Energy

By Solar Technologies | November 6, 2021

Ever wondered what the two most common reasons are for home and business owners to go solar? The first is the financial benefit, of course. With California’s generous benefits and incentives for going solar plus financing options for $0 down, there’s plenty of ways to save with solar.  The second most common reason is the…

5 Ways to a More Energy Efficient Home

By Solar Technologies | October 25, 2021

When it comes to purchasing a home, one of the first things most buyers look into is the home’s energy efficiency. Rising utility rates and weather trends often make this an important factor when trying to find the right place to settle. Not only is efficiency important when a house goes on the market, it…


Generators vs. Solar Batteries: Which is the Better Backup?

By Solar Technologies | October 12, 2021

A well-designed solar system can meet the majority of the electricity needs for a homeowner, but there are times when power needs to be pulled from the grid. While many energy providers give the option of net metering to cover the cost of electricity used from the local power company, it’s not available to all solar homeowners. Having a…

Solar rep with happy customers

Is your home a good fit for solar?

By Solar Technologies | September 30, 2021

With so many solar installations throughout the Bay Area and California, many people have a general idea of what is needed to qualify for solar. The obvious qualifiers are homeowners who live in a single-family, stand-alone home  with a south-facing roof that gets plenty of sunlight and very little shade throughout the day. If this…

Home with solar power

Six Questions to Ask when Choosing a Local Solar Installer

By Solar Technologies | September 8, 2021

Solar energy is a flourishing industry. Since 2010, solar has grown an average of 42% a year. It’s understandable that there are now more new home solar installation companies than ever and all are claiming to be the best. That can make picking one for your home solar project intimidating. This is likely one of…

Streamlined Solar Permitting with SolarAPP+ Brings Clean Energy to Our Customers Faster

By Solar Technologies | August 31, 2021

Our Director of Residential Solar, Kyle Severns, recently attended an event to introduce the Solar Automated Permit Processing (SolarAPP+) platform, an innovative and efficient software that can run compliance checks and process building permit approvals for rooftop solar systems.  Approvals usually take a week and sometimes longer depending on the system size and other factors.…

SunVault Battery

How Does Home Battery Storage + Solar Work?

By Solar Technologies | July 1, 2021

With constant technological advancements and innovations in the solar industry and developments in home battery storage, like the Tesla Powerwall and SunPower SunVault™, each new product is designed to make life easier for homeowners.   Battery storage can complement your home solar energy system, which utilizes solar panels to harness energy from the sun and…

California Net Metering Graphic

How Does Net Metering Impact Solar Customers in California?

By Solar Technologies | April 15, 2021

California utility companies, like PG&E, Edison and Sempra, want to enact drastic changes to the Net Energy Metering (NEM) program that would negatively impact current and future home and business owners who want to go solar. In some cases, rooftop solar may be five times more expensive than it is today.  Not only is this…

SunPower Home Solar Warranty Protects Your Investment

By Solar Technologies | March 13, 2021

Putting solar panels on your roof is not only about saving money with clean energy. You’re making a major home upgrade that will benefit your household for decades. Why not protect that investment with the industry’s best all-in-one warranty? While shopping for home solar panels you shouldn’t assume all solar companies or all solar warranties…

solar technologies social award

Proud to be Named SunPower’s “2020 Commercial National Top Producer of the Year”

By Solar Technologies | February 18, 2021

SunPower held its annual dealer conference this month and Solar Technologies was awarded for having the highest shipment volume of commercial panels in the United States. Named “Commercial National Top Producer of the Year,” our team is honored to be recognized for our achievements and perseverance. While 2020 was a difficult year with the pandemic,…