Be honest—if your kid came home beaming with pride for getting a 20% on a spelling test, you’d be questioning their understanding of math as well as language arts. 20% just doesn’t sound impressive. But what if your grade-schooler was being quizzed on a list of 500 doctoral-level vocabulary words? You may then be tempted to call Mensa.
The same can be said of solar panel efficiency ratings. Once you understand what’s behind the grading system where peak performers register in the low 20s, you may have a better appreciation for the advances made in solar panel efficiency over time.
How Is Solar Panel Efficiency Measured?
Simply put, solar panel efficiency is the ratio of energy from sunlight that a panel can transform into electricity. If you want to be a little more technical, here’s the formula:
Even without plugging in numbers, you can see that the more watts cells can produce, with the same amount of sunlight, the more efficient a solar panel will be. This can be important when evaluating commercial solar panels, but we’ll cover that later. First, let’s learn a little history.
A Short History of Solar Cell Technology
Humans have been tapping the power of the sun for centuries. Magnifying glasses were used to concentrate the sun’s rays to ignite fires in the 7th century B.C. Architects throughout history have built structures with an eye toward the sky to capture as much radiant heat as possible. But it wasn’t until the 1800s when the photovoltaic (PV) revolution really kicked into high gear. Here are some highlights:
- 1839: Edmund Becquerel discovers the photovoltaic effect in France when he noticed the voltage between two metal electrodes in an electrically-conductive liquid increased when exposed to sunlight.
- 1873: Willoughby Smith discovers that the element Selenium has photoconductive properties.
- 1876: William Grylls Adams and Richard Evans Day create a selenium solar cell that produces electricity when exposed to light, proving that solid matter is capable of transforming light into electricity (less than 1% efficient).
- 1932: The photovoltaic effect of cadmium sulfide is discovered by Audobert and Stora.
- 1954: Bell Labs develops the first silicon photovoltaic cell capable of producing usable electricity with an initial solar panel efficiency rate of 4%.
- 1958: Hoffman Electronics creates PV cells with 9% efficiency.
- 1959: Hoffman Electronics follows up with 10% efficient cells.
- 1960: Solar panel efficiency hits 14% by Hoffman Electronics.
- 1985: 20% efficiency level is reached for silicon solar cells.
- 1994: The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) creates a solar cell that exceeds 30% conversion efficiency.
- 1999: Spectorlab, Inc. and NREL develop a solar cell that is 32.3% efficient. (Three layers of photovoltaic material were combined into a single solar cell to achieve this level.)
- 2012: Solar Frontier achieves 17.8% efficiency on thin-film PV.
- 2015: SunPower records 22.8% efficiency for high-rate production commercial photovoltaic modules.
- 2016: NREL and Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM) record 29.8% efficiency on a lab cell.
- 2016: SunPower breaks their previous world record for highest-efficiency (24.1%) commercial solar panel using silicon cells.
The major take-away from this quick skip through time is that the history of solar panel efficiency shows impressive advances at first, but is now running up against the barriers of physics. Higher-efficiencies require technologies that are harder to produce at scale at an agreeable cost. In other words, don’t expect any major jumps in efficiency for commercially-available solar panels any time soon.
…don’t expect any major jumps in efficiency for commercially-available solar panels any time soon.
In fact, depending on which physicist you talk to, there is also a very real theoretical limit to how much efficiency is possible for commercially-viable modules. Most authorities put that upper cap at about 30%. For some perspective, the average commercial solar panels manufactured today (with a few exceptions) hit a range of 17-20%.
Bottom line: while the future of solar technology is bright, advances will likely be modest for high-efficiency commercial solar panels.
But Records Are Made to Be Broken, Right?
There are some other processes that can produce greater solar efficiency rates that do offer real commercial potential. For example, layers of different materials can be sandwiched into a single cell to capture different light spectrums, resulting in greater efficiency (more light is captured). Another approach uses lenses to concentrate sunlight onto small, highly-efficient cells (more sunlight goes into the cell, so more energy is produced). These applications can vastly improve solar panel efficiency, but likely at a considerably higher cost. The added expense may be worth it if you’re trying to power an orbiting satellite, where size, weight, and amount of power generated are key. For commercial solar power systems, however, they simply aren’t practical.
Comparing Efficiency Ratings
Now that you have a better understanding of what you’re looking at when you see a solar panel efficiency rating, here are a few other things to think about:
- Not all solar cells are made the same. Seems obvious, but it’s worth noting. Take the industry-dominant silicon solar cell. Is it mono- or polycrystalline silicon? Monocrystalline silicon is purer and produces a more efficient solar panel. However, it is also more expensive to produce. For an interesting overview of the pros and cons of different types of solar panels, check out this article from Energy Informative.
- Not all solar equipment providers readily offer up the efficiency of the panels they sell. It could be the company doesn’t want to provide the information if it doesn’t help sales. Or, they could actually believe that efficiency is not important. Having this information is required by law, so don’t hesitate to ask.
So How Important Are Efficiency Ratings?
- Some argue that as solar cell costs go down and efficiency improves, it becomes less important since mounting hardware, inverters and other components of a solar power system have a bigger impact on the overall price for installing.
- Others counter that solar panel efficiency is important because more efficient solar panels can produce more power in the same amount of space. This is great for constrained areas, or if you just want to get maximum output. It could also mean fewer solar modules to generate the energy you need, which can lead to lower installation costs and less preventative maintenance down the line.
You may not be a member of Mensa, but if you think about it, commercial solar is a long-term commitment—so it would be short-sighted to only focus on up-front costs. Looking at solar panel efficiency ratings, as well as every other aspect of your investment that could lead to the most savings over the life of your system, is not only important—it’s the smart thing to do.
This post originally appeared on the SunPower Business Feed.