So Many Solar Incentives. 

With so many solar financial and environmental incentives there never has been a better time to invest in solar panels for your home or business.

Financial Incentives 

When you switch to Solar most homeowners qualify for a 30% Tax Credit and for business owners this can go up to an impressive 70% back in Solar Tax Incentives. Less money for the tax man means more for you!

Lower Utility Bills

Last year the average cost of monthly electricity in the Bay Area was $250 per home, meaning the average home owner is expected to pay nearly $150,000 over the next 25 years in utilities bills. Just think about what else you spend your hard earned money on!  

Increase Home Value

A recent study in California estimates that purchasing solar can increase the resale value of your home by more than $5,000 per kilowatt added. That alone may cover your system’s entire cost on day one, and equal an even bigger pay day if you sell your home. 

Help The Environment

Going green helps reduce our carbon footprint. Read our recent blog to learn more

Ready to take the next step toward energy independence? Contact us for a free solar installation quote for your home or business by visiting Getting Started With Solar or Call Us (888) SOLPOWER 765-7693.

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