Solar Industry News

Moving with solar

Moving? How SunPower Helps Homeowners with Their Solar System During Life Changes

October 25, 2022

Buying or selling a home is a big change for any family. There are several things to consider during the…

Residential Solar with Pool

The Solar Incentive Tax Credit Was Extended!

February 10, 2021

It will be time to do your 2020 taxes before you know it, and it’s important to stay abreast of…

How to Finance a Home Solar System

June 11, 2020

SunPower by Solar Technologies has installed more than 75,000 solar panels and helped thousands of Bay Area homeowners save money…

Looking for a Tax Break? Solar Can Help

May 4, 2020

With the 2020 tax deadline now extended to July 15 due to COVID-19,  home and business owners have some extra…


Why Some Governments Offer Rebates and Incentives for Home Solar

December 6, 2019

A quick search for “are there tax incentives for solar panels?” yields tons of results. You’ll see a lot about…

Solar Carports

Funding Commercial Solar Projects

May 20, 2019

Funding commercial solar projects: How to get that photovoltaic new car smell Not so long ago your choice for financing…

Promo graphic

Beat the Tax Day Blues by Getting Some Green

March 11, 2019

It’s tax season! If you’re considering a home solar system, it’s important to know the financial benefits of the federal investment…

Public Solar Financing

August 31, 2018

  How Public Financing Options Work Public entities are able to take advantage of numerous solar financing options not available…

Power Purchase Agreements

August 31, 2018

  How PPAs Work A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a financing arrangement that allows businesses or government agencies to…

Solar Commercial Lease

August 31, 2018

How Solar Leases Work A commercial solar lease is a financing option that allows businesses to generate solar electricity with…

Solar Industry News


How Much Electricity Does a Refrigerator Use?

By Solar Technologies | January 16, 2023

Introduction On average, refrigerators consume between 300 and 800 watts of electricity, depending on the age of the model. Most refrigerators use between 3 and 6 amps and operate at around 120 volts. In addition to being one of the largest appliances in your home, your fridge is always on, making energy efficiency a key…

Are There Different Types of Solar Cells?

By Solar Technologies | January 13, 2023

It may seem obvious to say, but not all solar cells are the same. From the type of silicon used to the design of the solar cell, there are many aspects that determine the efficiency and durability of solar panels. It can be a bit overwhelming to understand what’s out there and what’s right for…

Understanding Your Solar System Performance with the mySunPower® App

By Solar Technologies | January 11, 2023

Performance monitoring is a crucial but often overlooked part of owning a solar or solar + storage system. After installation, it’s normal to be curious about whether your SunPower® solar power system is working properly and how much energy it’s producing. Here’s what you need to know about monitoring your system using mySunPower. What is…

Protected: Solar Panel Orientation

By Solar Technologies | January 4, 2023

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Does SunPower Offer Tesla Powerwalls?

By Solar Technologies | December 31, 2022

SunPower direct does not sell Tesla Powerwalls, it offers the SunVault home battery storage solution. However, the SunPower® Equinox™ solar panels can be paired with leading battery storage solutions, including the Tesla Powerwall. This gives SunPower solar customers more options to select the best home battery for their energy storage needs. While SunPower doesn’t sell Tesla Powerwall…

What Are The Best Energy Efficient Light Bulbs For Your Home?

By Solar Technologies | December 30, 2022

Introduction to Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Energy efficient light bulbs are a great way to save money on energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. These bulbs use less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs, which means you can save money in the long run by replacing your old bulbs with energy efficient…

How Will California’s Net Energy Metering Policy (NEM 3.0) Affect Home Solar + Storage Customers?

By Solar Technologies | December 29, 2022

On December 15, 2022, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) passed the new net metering policy, NEM 3.0. While the benefits of the outcome are up for debate between CPUC members and solar industry-leaders and customers, NEM 3.0 will go into effect on April 14, 2023. In this post, we’ll give a brief history of…

Does Energy Storage Qualify for the Federal Tax Credit?

By Solar Technologies | December 28, 2022

Introduction The popularity of home batteries has increased over the years, particularly in conjunction with the installation of solar panels. Energy storage offers numerous advantages, including serving as a backup power source during grid outages, reducing your reliance on utilities, and decreasing your electricity bills. However, home batteries can be a substantial financial investment, with…

Tesla Powerwall Home Battery Warranty Review

By Solar Technologies | December 23, 2022

Introduction Home batteries allow you to store the excess energy produced by your solar panels for use at night, on cloudy days or during outages and PG&E’s Planned Power Shutoffs. Home batteries make it easier to store solar power for future use, reduce your reliance on the grid and provide backup electricity during outages. This…

Solar Battery Buyers Guide

By Solar Technologies | December 14, 2022

Solar batteries are a relatively new technological advancement that is changing the way we use renewable energy. They allow you to store solar energy from the sun in a home battery for later use, meaning that you can get electricity even when the sun isn’t shining. Solar batteries provide numerous benefits, including increased energy savings,…