Project Review

Oakland Unified School District, Community Schools, Thriving Students

La Escuelita Educational Center Earns Honors for First “Grid-Neutral” School

Oakland Unified School case study quick factsSolar Shines a Bright Light on Educational Center

The La Escuelita Education Center received California’s highest honor for sustainable school construction and earns honors as Oakland’s first “grid-neutral” school. The newly constructed campus is designed to teach children to be good environmental stewards and offer them academic opportunities though its alignment with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) curriculum.

Their Challenge

Designed by Oakland-based SVA Architects, the Oakland Unified School District wanted the education center to represent their commitment to high-quality sustainable construction for students, staff and communities while lowering operating costs for the district. Solar became a natural fit and was designed to provide the majority of the center’s electrical needs.

How They Saved

The nearly 600 kW solar system will provide most of the energy required for the education center’s electrical needs and is expected to save the school district $180,000 in the first year and more than $6.3 million over 25 years.

Project Snapshot

Oakland Unified School roof, almost completely covered with solar panels
Oakland Unified School roof, almost completely covered with solar panels

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